Looking for profits $$$
If you are looking for profit from your woodlot, A little help and advice getting there will only help. No matter if you have a large woodlot or just a small maple sugar stand needing a few veneer trees removed without damaging the surrounding sugar trees.....there are lots of factors to consider when looking to market your timber.
The species
The size
Distance from sawmill
Impact on surroundings and environment
Current market prices
Getting to the wood
Getting wood to the mill
The list goes on and on, but the most important is satisfaction, from start to finish.
and knowing that the process is done with professionalism keeping you, the land owner in mind.
Knowing that the future of your woodlot is secure and sustainable for the next round is important, and knowing that all the hard work and knowledge will pay off again and again.......that my friends is priceless !!!
A Forester will make that happen for you, by seeing the job is done right, no matter who you choose to complete the job, the forester will cruise the woodlot and give you a forestry management plan that will ensure further down the road you will be able to have peace of mind that everything is in order and you are harvesting the right trees to protect the balance needed in any forest environment, and providing professionalism that a company forestry consultant, may not provide in your best interests.
The forester will oversee all aspects of the harvest, putting you in touch with the right people to get the job done, making sure you get the right prices, making sure the harvesting is done according to the plan, and making sure the contract is followed and the job is done right....